Samantha’s story

Samantha and her family recently moved to Elmbridge from Glasgow for her dad’s job. Soon after they arrived, her dad had an accident and damaged his back. Without his income, the family were struggling to cover basic costs.

Samantha was prescribed glasses by her optician but the glasses were heavy and uncomfortable to wear, and she was teased at school for the thick lenses.

When the family was referred to Home-Start Elmbridge, they were able to use funding from Walton Charity to provide support to the whole family, including paying for new glasses for Samantha with a special thin lens.

Samantha says her new glasses are much more comfortable and the teasing has stopped.

Home-Start also helped to find a nursery place for Samantha’s little sister, Emma, and the whole family are starting to feel more settled and secure.  

Walton Charity Delegated Funds are allocated to local organisations who work directly with people and families in Elmbridge on low incomes, particularly during times of crisis or financial hardship.