

Anthony’s story

Anthony originated from Sri Lanka, where the family had a large farm growing coconut palms, pumpkins, orka and all manner of other crops.  When he moved to the UK, Anthony continued to grow vegetables in his back garden – mainly onions, tomatoes and chilli plants.

Anthony heard about Walton Charity’s allotments from a friend and his daughter persuaded him to rent one so that he could grow vegetables for her.  The family are vegetarians, so growing their own seemed like a good choice, saving money by opting away from expensive, organic products found on supermarket shelves but more importantly, producing fresh produce that can be picked daily. 

It didn’t take Anthony long to begin planting.  He bought a whole variety of seeds from Sri Lanka – aubergine, okra, Sri Lankan and Italian beans, Sri Lankan pumpkins (not as sweet as our British variety).  People bring things from other countries for him to grow but they aren’t always successful as they often need more sun! His largest crop is garlic and it takes over half of his plot.  In November he planted 18 kg of it, recalling that he ran out earlier in the year.  He also grows curly kale, tomatoes, spinach, runner beans, okra, beetroot, potatoes, onions, hot chillies and coriander. 

Anthony decides what to plant on his plot…he’s designated as Chief Chef at home! His beetroot curry is simply irresistible! The family do pitch in and help at harvest time but its Anthony who tends the plot early each morning after his night shift at a local supermarket.  He loves the friendly atmosphere where tenants from many cultures swop seeds, crops and ideas and generally help each other out and he says he feels safe and relaxed there.