Green spaces

Walton Charity makes our land and green spaces available for local people and community groups across Elmbridge. They are also a place for local businesses and organisations to engage with the community.

Forest School

Rewilding Forest School runs sessions for children throughout the year. Their holistic approach encourages children’s imaginations, builds self-esteem and creates a desire to understand, learn and respect the natural world around them.


Space to Grow

Our community grower is starting new projects at the Tree Canopy. Each project will involve a local community group and will have a strong focus on mental health and wellbeing. If you’re interested in running an activity or are looking for a space for your project, please contact us by clicking on the button below.

Guided Wellbeing

Kate runs sessions for adults and children who want to reconnect with nature. Her workshops include the Unplugged Club for teenage girls, foraging classes, and wreath making.


Tree Warden Scheme

The Elmbridge Tree Wardens are based at our Tree Canopy site and they organise tree planting days and a programme of care for new and elderly trees in our local area. If you would like to get involved, you can find out more by clicking on the button below.