Local Minibus Provides Lifeline for Sheltered Housing Residents
For residents of Fenner House and Mayfield, the two sheltered housing schemes managed by Walton Charity, the popular minibus service has become a lifeline during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The minibus, run by Together Transport Services, is usually used for weekly shopping trips and social outings but is now offering food deliveries six days a week and collecting prescriptions from pharmacies for residents who can’t leave their flats.
Larry Dickens-Batten, who heads up the service, is working with our Sheltered Scheme Managers and staff to support residents while social distancing restrictions are in place. Larry said: “Some of the residents I have spoken to are feeling a loss of independence while in lockdown. Some are feeling anxious about the current situation. There is not much that we at Total Transport Services can do, but time is something we do have. When dropping off shopping I try to stay for a chat at the door (wearing a mask and PPE). I hope this helps to keep up morale and make residents feel a bit more connected to the outside world.”