Spreading Christmas Cheer to Children in Elmbridge

We know that Christmas is a time of festivity and indulgence, but for many families, it also brings added worry.

Christmas is often the biggest occasion of the year for those who celebrate it, but for families in poverty, it is often a time of added concern. Throughout the year, finding the money for rising bills, food, housing costs and other essentials like school uniform can be a struggle, but at Christmas, extra presents may be completely unaffordable. For children experiencing poverty, waking up on Christmas Day means they often wonder if Santa has forgotten them. For their parents, this guilt has a huge impact on their wellbeing.

As we found in research from our Elmbridge Poverty Profile, 13% of children in our borough were living in poverty in 2022, and we know that this figure has only increased since then. That’s why we partnered with the amazing Stripey Stork to support their Christmas Appeal.

The main reason that families are referred to Stripey Stork is due to low income. Other reasons include refugee or asylum seeker status, domestic abuse, a disability preventing work, and debt. This Christmas, 13% of referrals to Stripey Stork (who operate across Surrey and Croydon) came from Elmbridge.


This year, Stripey Stork ensured that families received essential items they could use throughout the year, such as blankets and books. Your donations provided these bundles of essentials, and Stripey Stork’s partners provided the age-appropriate Christmas toys.

Your generosity throughout our Christmas Appeal meant we could give £12,686, half of which was raised by you, and half of which was match funded by us!

Thank you so much - your donation meant that 486 children in 262 families in Elmbridge had something to open on Christmas morning.

Stripey Stork have shared that “behind every request is a family who are struggling, who want to give their children a memorable Christmas and who often find it hard to ask for help”.

Whilst we extend a huge thank you to everyone who donated, we also wanted to share what it meant to the families themselves:

“I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible support you’ve provided. As a single mother, life has been incredibly challenging. It was such a relief not to have to worry about buying gifts, especially during this difficult time. Your kindness has lightened a heavy burden, and I can’t thank you enough for the joy and relief you’ve brought us”.

Stripey Stork also told us about a father who had lost his wife and was finding it hard to provide the magic of Christmas to his children:

“Christmas is a time of joy and togetherness, but for some families, it can also be a season of worry. After losing his wife, this devoted father found himself navigating the challenges of single parenthood while working tirelessly to provide for his family. As Christmas approached, the weight of his responsibilities grew heavier. He wanted nothing more than to give his children a magical Christmas, but the cost made it impossible. When he was told that Christmas presents had been arranged for his children, he was stunned. Overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers and the knowledge that his children would wake up to presents under the tree, he broke down in tears. In that moment, his worries lifted, replaced by gratitude and relief”.

The professionals that refer families to Stripey Stork also appreciate the huge impact the Christmas Appeal has:

“Supporting victims of domestic abuse whereby the gift of making magic happen at Christmas is the difference between feeling like giving up, or, with a little helping hand, feeling they are capable of healing, accepting help, growing, and living a happy life”.

We are proud supporters of Stripey Stork, and are always overwhelmed by the generosity of our Elmbridge community. Thank you to everyone who donated over Christmas - you helped us spread some festive magic to local families.

Article by Amy Dixon, Walton Charity’s Communications and Events Officer


Find out more about Stripey Stork

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