Our Bridge Funding Grant
Supports Home-Start Elmbridge

Child with dad Home-Start Elmbridge.jpg

The £15,000 Bridge Funding grant is our largest to date and will assist local charity, Home-Start Elmbridge, who have experienced a severe loss of income, coupled with an increase in demand for their services, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

When the Covid-19 crisis hit, it affected every area of a Home-Start Elmbridge’s income. Their revenue from community events, corporate sponsorship, individual donations and sporting events, have all been severely impacted.  This income would normally cover the charity’s core costs which underpin the vital work they do.

Around 140 local families rely on the charity each year. Some are experiencing poor mental or physical health, others are being supported to cope with bereavement, postnatal depression, anxiety and social isolation. Practical help is provided for families on low incomes, those in debt and those who are experiencing domestic abuse or drug and alcohol dependency. They also support children who have physical or learning disabilities.

Parenthood is challenging in normal times, but social distancing and isolation have placed enormous strain on the families already struggling to cope.  Home-Start Elmbridge has been there for these families and they’ve moved essential support services on-line to stay connected with families through their locally based staff and volunteers.

Carol Hodges, Scheme Director for Home-Start Elmbridge saidWithout this bridge funding, we just wouldn’t have been able to continue offering the range of services we do. So many charities have had to cut back, or even close, because of the effect of the pandemic on their income. The funding from Walton Charity has been a lifeline for us and many other local organisations.”