Cost of school uniform


37% of Elmbridge parents we surveyed said they were worried about the cost of school uniform.

School uniform can bring a school community together but it can also put financial pressure on families who are already struggling. 

Two years ago, the government passed the Cost of School Uniform Act requiring all schools to make uniforms affordable for everyone. Since the Act was passed, Walton Charity has given out more than £30,000 in grants to help local families cover the cost of school uniform and PE kits.

As living costs continue to rise, we know families in our local area are still struggling to cover the cost of school uniforms.


#5ways to cut the cost of school uniforms

The Children’s Society, Child Poverty Action Group and other charities have put together a handy guide for schools with advice on ways to make uniform more affordable for everyone.

Download the guide now and share it with your school, PTA and school governors.

Or follow these #5ways to cut school uniform cost and waste:

  • #1 Love pre-loved 
    Support your school’s pre-loved uniform sales. Ask your school office how to donate and buy pre-loved uniform at your school. With 1.4 million wearable school uniforms being thrown away each year in the UK, you can help to cut waste too.

    Don’t have a pre-loved uniform shop at your school? Find out how to set one up.

  • #2 Plain power 
    Non-branded jumpers, polo shirts and PE kits can save parents £££. Ask your school about reducing the number of compulsory branded uniform items so families have more choice about where they buy uniform.

  • #3 Sew what?  

    Sew-on badges can really cut the cost of school blazers and jumpers, keeping kids looking smart and helping families make smart savings. 

  • #4 Back to basics 

    Grey, white and blue are the staple colours for lots of school uniforms. Share or swap uniform basics with friends and family. Or look out for Facebook groups selling and exchanging uniforms across your area (and beyond!).  

  • #5 Rewrite the rules  
    Small changes to a uniform policy can make a big difference to children and families. Download and share this simple guide with your school, PTA and other parents or carers. Parent support will make it easier for schools to review their uniform policy.

Finding the money to buy new school uniform is such a worry for many local families
— Home-School Link Worker, Walton Oak

The Cost of School Uniform Act: what is says…

The Act passed in April 2021 requires all school to:

  • Prioritise cost and value for money when setting uniform policy.

  • Engage with parents and pupils when developing their uniform policy.

  • Keep the number of branded items to a minimum.

  • Ensure second-hand uniform is easily available.

  • Make the uniform policy clear and easy to access for parents.

  • Ensure uniform suppliers are good value for money and avoid relying on single-suppliers where possible.

Find out more: