Q The ‘Talking Teens’ programme seems to be a cornerstone of your approach. Can you tell us more about it?
A Absolutely. ‘Talking Teens’ is designed to bridge the support gap for parents and carers. It’s a flexible programme that accommodates both face-to-face and online participation, creating a safe space for open discussion. This group dynamic is invaluable, as it helps individuals realise they’re not alone in their struggles.
Q Does FTT run other courses apart from the ‘Talking Teens’ programme?
A We do. In Elmbridge we run The Parenting Puzzle for anyone parenting any age child. As well as that, we run the following free services:
Keeping the Child in Mind which is a 4-week programme for those wanting to ensure the child is at the heart of parenting and to avoid parental conflict.
Parenting Puzzle for those with children under 5.
Welcome to the World for expectant parents and their partners/friend/family member.
Lastly, we offer 1:1 or whole family parenting and family mediation, which is a paid service that is tailored to the needs of the family.
Q Funding is often a hurdle for organisations. How has Families Thriving Together managed to provide these services free of charge?
A Thanks to the generous support from entities like Walton Charity, which recently granted us £7,000, we’ve been able to extend our reach to around 100 Elmbridge families in 2023 alone. This commitment allows us to offer our services without cost, ensuring that no family is left without support.
Q As you celebrate nearly two years as a charity, what has been your driving force?
A The journey began back in 2009 when I started delivering parenting programmes. The transformation I witnessed in people’s well-being and family dynamics was profound. It became clear that sustainable management of this work meant providing support freely, normalising the need for it. Therefore, becoming a charity was the only way forward, despite the challenges it entailed.
Q Raising funds is a continuous challenge. How do you navigate this aspect of the charity?
A Indeed, with statutory services facing budget cuts, essential programmes like ours risk disappearing. We’re constantly fundraising to prevent parents from falling through the cracks, focusing on prevention rather than crisis intervention. It’s a tough but necessary endeavour to keep our mission alive.
Q Looking ahead, what’s the vision for Families Thriving Together?
A Our vision remains steadfast: to nurture and encourage peer-to-peer connections, thereby enhancing the health, well-being, and confidence of families. We want to empower them to support each other. With the continued backing of our community and supporters like Walton Charity, we’re optimistic about the future.