Information for Referrers

Our Direct Grants programme is here to help individuals and families in Elmbridge who are facing financial difficulty. To apply for a grant, applicants must have a referral from a local organisation.

If your organisation already holds a Walton Charity Delegated Fund or a Walton Charity Opportunities Fund, you can support the applicant directly through your fund. If you’re not sure if the request meets the purpose of your fund, contact Amina to discuss on 07935 218699.

To find out about other support available, download our local support directory.

How to make an referral

Step 1: If you don’t hold a Delegated or Opportunities Fund, contact Amina Lawson on 07935 218699 to check the grant request meets Walton Charity funding criteria. If the request is urgent, contact the Surrey Crisis Fund.

Step 2: Once you know the request meets our criteria, complete the referral form below

Step 3: When we have received and processed the referral, we will ask for the applicant’s supporting documents (such as bank statements).

For more information about the grants process, see our Grants Guidelines.

Referral Form

Have a question about the form or making a referral? Contact Amina on 07935 218699, we’re here to help!

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