Helping our Sheltered Residents
Feel Connected
We believe loneliness shouldn’t be a natural consequence of getting older so during recent months, when many of our sheltered accommodation residents have been shielding or in lockdown, we have been working hard to make sure they feel safe, supported and connected.
“Thank you for all the excellent extras we have received recently in these very difficult times ie activity packs, Veganuary pack, Christmas lunches, and fish & chip lunches, all gratefully received, and all excellent quality.”
Through a programme of virtual events and activities, our residents have been able to keep in touch with staff and each other, learn new skills and try their hand at new activities.
From virtual tours of Wisley, to Meccano craft kits, meditation and movie nights, our residents have had their pick of regular activities. They have also been receiving special food deliveries, including fish and chip lunches, afternoon tea, festive hampers, and Christmas dinner delivered to their door.
Our online activities will continue into the Spring along with essential support like shopping, prescription collection and transport to medical appointments.