Helping to support parents and carers of local teens

We are delighted to be able to again support the delivery of the four week Talking Teens programme to Elmbridge parents and carers.

Talking Teens is run by The Wellbeing Supervisor, Michelle Tucker, for parents and carers of pre-teens and through the teenage years, helping them cope with challenging behaviour and find ways to create a calmer, happier family life.

Michelle provides help in a non-judgemental and supportive way, aiding families to gain confidence, tackle some of the challenges and understand their teenagers better.

Whilst some parents and carers attending are referred by professionals, Elmbridge residents are welcome to self-refer and should contact Michelle Tucker directly:

“This has been a great course. I don’t feel alone and it was good to share experiences. I now try to praise my teen and see the positives more. There has been at least one brilliant thing every week that I have used and it has had a real impact.

I think the structure and timing works really well and being accessible by Teams makes it easier to attend and it kept me engaged through the four weeks. Every parent or carer should attend!”

Janette ButlerComment