Top prize for a top team!

~ Video courtesy of Jennifer Bruce Photography ~

Volunteers from Walton Charity’s Community Allotment were thrilled to scoop first prize in the Community Allotment category at Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival earlier this month.

Our Green Spaces Manager, Karen Heynike, garden designer Victoria Mitchell, and the team of volunteers rolled up their sleeves and worked incredibly hard to create a mini replica of their allotment, complete with knitted bugs, butterflies and vegetables – replicating the yarn bombing* that created a real buzz at the real community allotment earlier this year.

The community allotment, in Walton on Thames, is a special place where people from all walks of life come together to socialise and learn new skills. Some of the participants are retired, but many face barriers because of mental or physical health conditions or social isolation. The allotment provides a supportive space for people to join in group activities and feel more connected to their community and it provided a lifeline for many of the volunteers during the pandemic.

This isn’t the first time the Community Allotment volunteers have entered the Garden Festival. They entered the Vegetable Box category back in 2017 winning them a silver medal, giving a huge confidence boost to those who took part.

If you would like to learn more about our community allotment and availability of our land and green spaces for local people and community groups, click here:

*A yarn bomb is a form of street art where yarn in any form decorates an object in the public environment. Yarn installations are a bit like graffiti but aren’t permanent or destructive. The craze was started in America by a lady named Magda Sayeg when she covered her doorknob with a knitted cosy and before long started knitting scarves and hats for statues around her hometown in Houston.

Janette ButlerComment
Celebrating 30 years at Terrace Road allotments

In 1983, Lynda moved to Walton on Thames from Doncaster with her husband and often walked past Walton Charity’s allotments on Terrace Road.

“One day when I was passing, I stopped to talk to someone working on the allotment and asked about taking on a plot myself. There weren’t many women who had their own plot back then and when I signed the paperwork, the person I spoke to thought it was for my husband!”

“The plot was very overgrown when I got it and it took me a year and ten days to clear it from weeds! But it was worth the effort, over the 30 years I’ve had the plot I have been able to plant all sorts of fruit, vegetables and flowers. The plot is divided into eight triangles and I often get compliments on the unique design. It enables me to work on it even when it’s wet as I can access the different sections from the pathway that divides them.”

“I love having flowers in the house and one triangle is used just for growing flowers which I can pick most of the year. The bees love it too!”

Inspired by Gardeners’ World presenter Geoff Hamilton, an early champion of organic gardening, Lynda’s allotment has been organic for more than 20 years.

She is pleased to see more families spending time at the allotment now and thinks it’s an important way for children to learn more about food and where it comes from. Lynda’s own family have been involved over the years and a photo of her grandson with his feet in an old sink by the allotment tap won a local photography competition back in 2008.

“If someone asked me if they should take on an allotment, I would say go for it! It gives me such a lot of pleasure. I like the creativity. It’s your plot to do what you want with it. It’s really satisfying. I love it!”

Janette ButlerComment
We talk to the new volunteer coordinator at Elmbridge CAN

Elmbridge CAN is a small charity supporting the resettlement of refugees and building a culture of welcome within the communities of Elmbridge.

Due to a recent increase in demand for their services, the charity’s core team of volunteers were keen to get support with the day-to-day administration tasks. Our community grant will fund Sarah’s post as a volunteer coordinator for the first year. We talked to Sarah about her new role.

Q. Tell us about a typical day in your role?

I start each day by checking the various emails for new enquiries, volunteers or requests for help. I carry out the basic checks for all new volunteers, making sure that all data is looked after safely, and information updated. I also coordinate volunteer availability for our digital classes for Afghan women living in the hotel, many of whom had not used a computer before arriving here. I coordinate the furnishing for new accommodation, doing all we can as a community to make their new homes comfortable and welcoming. Where I can, I go to our newly set up hubs so I can support the volunteers and hub leaders and meet some of the people we are supporting. I also prepare newsletters for volunteers and supporters and arrange training. It’s very varied!

Q. How many people do Elmbridge CAN currently support?

We are supporting about 220 Afghans who have been in temporary hotel accommodation for several months, in addition to supporting 25 other families with refugee backgrounds in the community who are from all over the globe.

Q. Are you currently helping any Ukrainian refugees?

We have two full-time Ukrainian-speaking support workers who support approximately 500 Ukrainian refugees here in Elmbridge. These posts are funded by Elmbridge Borough Council. Our fantastic volunteers very quickly set up four regular local hubs to support these refugees and they provide a warm welcome, refreshments, and practical help with matters such as understanding paperwork and job searching.

Q. What are the biggest challenges facing families settling in a new area?

There are many challenges. Language limitations are often one of the biggest issues – speaking good English is key to so much. Cultural differences need to be navigated, and there is a lot of loss, anxiety, and uncertainty to deal with. We try to support emotionally as well as practically, but in a way that keeps to appropriate boundaries.

Q. What sort of ongoing support do you offer?

We offer help with small grants, job searching, navigation of systems and paperwork, one-to-one English language tuition and homework help for children, social activities to help with integration, provision of bikes to help with independence and mobility, and much more.

Q. What is your favourite part of the job?

Seeing settled families thriving is a joy. When we’ve got a new flat assigned to a family, we don’t get long to get it ready for them, and things can get very hectic gathering the furniture and other welcome items together. I like it when I can see the flat becoming a home, knowing that the family will be happy there. It’s a good feeling!

Q. What can our local community do to help?

We do our work by harnessing the skills, talents, and generosity of the local community – and in Elmbridge, there is a lot of all of these! We are always looking for volunteers – now we particularly need someone to help us with our website and people who are happy to help look after small children at the Afghan hotel on Monday and Friday mornings in term time. Financial donations are always very helpful – for example we recently gave some money to a Ukrainian mother with a disabled son so that they could afford disability-friendly travel from their host’s house to local activities which has resulted in them no longer feeling isolated.

Helping with housing needs is always our biggest challenge and everyone can help by spreading the word about the need for affordable rental property of all sizes – there is more information on our website.

Finally, everyone can help by reading up on the ‘bigger picture’ situation regarding refugee-related matters – there is a lot happening nationally, and much of it concerns us greatly.

We would love more people from our local community to get in touch and help. Click here to find out more: Get Involved - Elmbridge CAN refugee volunteer support

Janette ButlerComment
Looking for an affordable community building?

One of our community buildings in Hersham will be available to rent from September next year.

We are looking for a not-for-profit organisation who would use the premises to deliver impactful services for local people in Elmbridge. The community building will be available from September 2023 at a substantially discounted or ‘peppercorn’ rent.

Working with local partners, Walton Charity is committed to tackling the causes and symptoms of poverty here in Elmbridge. We enable and facilitate other charities to deliver services that meet the needs of our local community. One of the ways we do this is to provide affordable office space, housing, land and operational buildings.  

Our aspiration is that the building and site is maximised for social value, aligning with Walton Charity’s mission and vision, our 5 year-plan and, in particular, our focus on tackling child poverty in Elmbridge.

To find out more or for an informal discussion please contact Jackie Lodge, Chief Executive,

Janette ButlerComment
Royal celebrations at our community allotment

Our community allotment turned red, white and blue this week in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee.

Volunteers came together to make their own jubilee-themed planters, led by local floral designer Emma from Wild Alice, and all under the watchful eye of our own (handcrafted) Queen!

Not even the rain dampened spirits, as the keen gardeners ‘kept calm and carried on’ with their colourful creations.


The Jubilee theme continues throughout the allotment with bunting, decorated planters, and a huge pop-pom Union Jack and crown created by volunteers and supporters of Walton Charity.

The community allotment is a place for people of all walks of life to come together, socialise and learn new skills. It has gone from strength to strength in recent years and was a lifeline for many of the volunteers during the pandemic. They are now enjoying being back together face-to-face and are excited by the prospect of taking part in the world-famous Hampton Court Flower Show later this summer, where they will exhibit a mini replica of the allotment.

Janette ButlerComment
Meet Sarah, our new Chair
The passion feeds me completely and powers me to have the energy to do it

Q. Why did you decide to take on the role of Chair of Trustees?
My first meeting as a volunteer trustee was in May last year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The charity is 815 years old and what a privilege it is to be part of this unique charity. I had always planned to explore the idea of being a Chair nearer retirement age, but this opportunity came up and I felt that I could add so much more right now.

Q. What experience do you bring to Walton Charity?
During my 26 years of working as a nurse with children and adults with learning disabilities and mental health issues, I have built a network of links within the voluntary, health and social care sectors. Becoming Chair of a local charity is an opportunity to make these connections more meaningful.

Walton Charity is committed to tackling poverty and inequality and, within my work, I see the realities of these every day. I just felt there was so much more I could do. My focus tends to be on interactions with people when they are unwell but what really interests me is how do you help people to stay healthy and remain independent.

Each trustee is chosen for their skill sets – mine being health – the other trustees bring their own unique skills.

Q. How do you find the time with such a busy day job?
Sometimes opportunities come up when it is not the ideal time. There is an argument to say that I am probably in the busiest day job that I’ve ever had, but I think you find the time for things that you feel really passionate about.

Q. What do you think you’ll do differently now you are Chair?
I think the main difference is going to be that I will immerse myself much more regularly in the work of the charity. Already I am a member of the Grants Committee, and I will obviously join all the committees, to have an oversight.

I will also be supporting Jackie Lodge, the charity’s Chief Executive, leading the charity and helping to set the direction for the next three years.

I wanted something that was good for the soul but would stretch me and make me build relationships and networks with totally different people. There are also lots of different elements to the charity - from property to finance and grant giving. Some of it is familiar but some of it is like a totally different language to me!

Q. Why do you feel mental health is such an important issue to focus on?
My view is that everybody has mental health challenges but for some they become overwhelming at times. I have both personal experience and professional experience of working with children and young people particularly around emotional wellness and resilience.

Sometimes the most resilient, strong, healthy people can find themselves in difficult circumstances that are beyond their control and can tip them over the edge.

As a community we have got the opportunity to come together, just to make that journey a little easier for people.

Any final thoughts?
I recognise that I am just one person but when I connect to twenty or thirty other people working at Walton Charity, suddenly we become really powerful. A great example of this is the foodbank that I visited early on in my trusteeship. Seeing people who work there and those that come in, the chat and the laughter and the connection people get is often as important as the bag of food that they take home. It is just so powerful and I think that, without being connected with the charity, I would never have seen that.

Janette ButlerComment
Duke of Edinburgh volunteers lend a hand

In April, we hosted a group of young people with learning disabilities for a week at our sheltered housing schemes in Walton on Thames. The group, who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, chose to give their time to help residents of Fenner House and Mayfield with much-needed tasks like painting fences and tidying cupboards.

Supported by Duke of Edinburgh volunteer, Jean Casha, the group also helped to prepare Easter gifts for our residents, carefully decorating 100 bags and filling each one with a variety of activities and Easter eggs which were kindly donated by Morrisons in Weybridge.

Our residents really enjoyed having the young people for the week and were delighted that they joined in with their fundraiser for people in Ukraine.

The group even found time to help our Community Allotment volunteers with preparations for the Queen’s Jubilee by making woollen pompoms which will be used to create a celebratory Union Jack and Queen’s crown.

It was a great week for everyone involved.

Janette ButlerComment
Cook4Care continue their recipe for success

Cook4Care’s team of volunteer cooks arrive at the kitchens of Esher Rugby Club early each morning to prepare and cook healthy and nutritious meals for young carers across Elmbridge. Their army of volunteer drivers deliver home-cooked meals, and some welcome company, to homes where children and young adults are the registered carers.

Last year, we awarded a Community Grant of £4,000 to Cook4Care, enabling them to reach more young carers and their families here in Elmbridge. Since expanding their service, Cook4Care have cooked a staggering 3,690 meals for Elmbridge families, saving young carers 4,144 hours in shopping and cooking time.

The result - young carers have more time for their studies and to spend with friends and family, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time. There’s no single cause and there’s no one solution but, the longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of physical and mental health problems. Being a carer is one of the factors that can increase loneliness and affect mental health.

Addressing loneliness and isolation is one of Walton Charity’s five priorities and we fund projects that support people’s mental health, encourage social interaction and help people feel more connected to their community.

As a result of Cook4Care’s work, Action for Young Carers Surrey has reported an increase in the emotional and physical resilience of the young carers who are benefitting from trying new foods and receiving respite from their caring responsibilities.

As one volunteer said, “I feel a sense of pride that I am volunteering for such a worthy cause. There is such a direct local benefit, and we get lovely messages from the families.”

Janette ButlerComment
Driving change for people in Cobham

A Community Grant of £30,000, over a three-year period, will help to secure the community bus service, Chatterbus, which provides free travel to people on low incomes in the Cobham area.

Chatterbus, a not-for-profit community initiative, is managed by local volunteers and operated by East Surrey Rural Transport Partnership. It was started seven years ago to address the lack of affordable transport in Cobham and the surrounding area and has been a firm local favourite ever since. It has been so popular that a second bus was added to the route in January of this year.

As well as offering free travel to those facing financial hardship, the service helps children get to school and adults get to work, cutting down the number of cars on our local roads. It also enables people to access the jobcentre, leisure centre and larger, more reasonably priced supermarkets outside the area. For many older people, the bus is a social highlight, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

A recently retired driver said, “I had the pleasure of meeting so many characters on the bus. Some of the kindest, most caring people, as well as some of the funniest and most clever people I have ever met. All have entertained me throughout my countless journeys, but I have also met some of the saddest, sometimes poorest and loneliest of people I have ever known which further emphasised to me that the Chatterbus really is all about the people.”

Janette ButlerComment
‘Mental Health and Me’ workshops for young people

A Community Grant of £3,000 will help the Lucy Rayner Foundation to run ‘Mental Health and Me’ workshops for local students at Three Rivers Academy in Walton on Thames.

The Lucy Rayner Foundation aims to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of depression and other mental health issues in young people and change the way mental health is perceived by society.

The interactive workshops, delivered by experienced facilitators, will give students in Years 9 and 10 the tools they need to manage their own mental wellbeing and better understand what is needed to take care of themselves.

Becky Rayner, of The Lucy Rayner Foundation, said “The funding we have received allows us to work with schools such as Three Rivers Academy who have stated that these workshops would be beneficial for their students to help with engagement, self-esteem, confidence, anxiety, and resilience. These are all topics that need to be addressed.”

Promoting personal health and wellbeing is one of Walton Charity’s five funding priorities. The pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues and there is a growing need for mental health support particularly for children and young people. Research from the Centre for Mental Health shows that 1.5 million children and young people under 18 in England will need new or additional mental health support; and data from NHS Digital shows an increase in diagnosable mental health disorders among young people from one in nine in 2017, to one in six in 2020.  

Janette ButlerComment
Dad Matters - support for new dads

A Walton Charity Community Grant of £10,000 will fund ‘Dad Matters’ - a one-year pilot project run by Home-Start Elmbridge supporting local dads at one of the most vulnerable times in their lives.

Fathers who are struggling, or whose partner is struggling, are very unlikely to seek help. As a result, the mental health of both parents suffers, relationships break down and babies do not form positive attachments with their fathers which can have a life-long impact on a child's emotional wellbeing. Home-Start Elmbridge want to help men across the borough to access support when they need it.

Our funding will benefit approximately 60 Elmbridge fathers with children aged from birth to two years, helping them to manage stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. The project will also bring together new dads who are going through similar challenges.

Home-Start aims to ensure that all expectant fathers will receive information about the 1:1 support available prior to their baby being born and will work with antenatal teams at local hospitals to offer specific 'dad sessions' as part of antenatal courses.

Carol Hodges, Scheme Director, said “This much needed pilot project will run for one-year from our schemes in Elmbridge, Woking, Runnymede and Epsom, Ewell and Bansted, in partnership with maternity services at Ashford & St. Peter’s and Epsom & St. Hellier Hospitals.

Home-Start in Greater Manchester has successfully run this project for several years and if our pilot is successful here, we will increase the coverage across all 8 Surrey Home-Start schemes.”

Janette ButlerComment
Our allotment sites are now managed by the tenants

Walton Charity has a long history of providing allotments, dating back to the 1800s. These small plots of land have served people in our local area through two World Wars and many historical and cultural changes. A spike in interest during Covid-19 meant, once-again, demand for allotment plots rocketed.

With more people working from home and time on the allotment recognised as an ‘approved’ form of exercise, all four of our sites were at full capacity.

So, with a thriving community of plot-holders that represents a cross-section of our community, we have decided to hand over the reins to the allotment tenants, giving them a greater involvement in the decision making, and enabling them to lead on site-specific developments.

In January 2022, Walton Allotment Association officially took over the management of Walton Charity’s four allotments sites. Each site has its own management team with tenants taking on roles including Chair, finance and administration. Even in this short time, there has been an increase in the community feel of each site with more social events and site improvements.

Walton Charity will continue to support and work with Walton Allotment Association as demand for allotment plots evolves. Who knows what the next stage in the history of our allotments will be?

If you are interested in putting your name on the waitlist for a plot or would like to support the new Walton Allotment Association, please email

Janette ButlerComment