Pop-up pre-loved school uniform shop –
Saturday 10 August 2024

Here at Walton Charity we understand the pressures many parents face when it comes to affording school uniform. This is why we have decided to host a free pop-up pre-loved school uniform shop at The Bridge on Saturday 10 August 2024.

We have teamed up with Stripey Stork to provide the donations, but we are also asking local residents to drop off their pre-loved uniform at The Bridge ahead of the 10 August so that we can supply as many families with shoes and clothing as possible.

All donations can be dropped off The Bridge, 17 Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1AE. Opening times are Tuesdays - 10-12pm, Wednesdays 10-12pm & 4-6pm, and Thursdays 10-12pm


Who can attend the free pop-up shop at The Bridge on Saturday 10 August?

Anyone can attend our free pop-up shop to pick up pre-loved uniform, including school shoes. There is no need to register to attend, you can show up on the day where we will be open from 10am to 4pm.

What uniform will be available on the day?

We aim to provide a range of pre-loved school uniform on the day, including shoes and PE kits in different sizes. However, if there is anything you need that is unavailable, you can fill out a form on the day with Stripey Stork who will provide additional clothing.

What uniform are you collecting?

We are collecting all school uniform, both branded & unbranded. We are also collecting shoes, PE Kits, socks and tights etc. as long as they are in good condition.

What is good condition e.g. can I donate a shirt with a button missing etc.?

We are accepting all uniform donations. If anything is not suitable for the pop-up shop, then the items will be sent to a textile charity for recycling.

Do you take PE kit?

Yes, we will be accepting PE kits including trainers & football boots where available.

Where can I drop off my donation?

All donations can be dropped off The Bridge, 17 Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 1AE.

Opening times are:

Tuesday 10-12pm

Wednesday 10-12pm & 4-6pm

Thursday 10-12pm

Got a question? Get in touch with us below: